Better Future Farm

Better Future Farm

Sustainable farming

Food is at the core of our programs. And there is no food without farming.

Kenyans have been farming for many generations and most of them are smallholder farmers trying to make a living for themselves – something that is becoming increasingly more challenging due to climate change. We have started our own farm in order to search for solutions to help those with similar challenges but without the same resources we have access to.

Some examples of the struggles we face are drought and extreme rain. The combination of drought and extreme rain creates erosion. To counter these problems we have researched the matter and learned that digging trenches in the land will stop the accumulation of water, which creates erosion. The trenches do the opposite, they fill up with water and slowly release it to the soil. The soil will store the water, something that is sorely needed during the dry season.

We also farm without the use of pesticides in order to maximize the nutritional benefit of our products, minimize our environmental impact, and allow nature to work its magic.

Because of our changes, neighboring farmers are starting to see the difference both in rain and in dry seasons.This enables us to be an example. We teach while we learn and we learn while we teach!

Sustainable farming

Food is at the core of our programs. And there is no food without farming.

Kenyans have been farming for many generations and most of them are smallholder farmers trying to make a living for themselves – something that is becoming increasingly more challenging due to climate change. We have started our own farm in order to search for solutions to help those with similar challenges but without the same resources we have access to.

Some examples of the struggles we face are drought and extreme rain. The combination of drought and extreme rain creates erosion. To counter these problems we have researched the matter and learned that digging trenches in the land will stop the accumulation of water, which creates erosion. The trenches do the opposite, they fill up with water and slowly release it to the soil. The soil will store the water, something that is sorely needed during the dry season.

We also farm without the use of pesticides in order to maximize the nutritional benefit of our products, minimize our environmental impact, and allow nature to work its magic.

Because of our changes, neighboring farmers are starting to see the difference both in rain and in dry seasons.This enables us to be an example. We teach while we learn and we learn while we teach!

Income generating

Mangoes, papayas, pineapples, bananas, cashew nuts, Bixa Orellana, and many other fruits and vegetables are some of the proud produce of our farm. The income that these products generate gets reinvested back into our school feeding and sponsorship programs.

Do you want to see this place with your own eyes while supporting BFK’s work? You are welcome to pay us a visit through our Farm Tour. During this tour you will be brought to the farm, shown the great things we do here, eat an amazing lunch, enjoy the African countryside and you will be brought back to your hotel before the sun sets. 

Income generating

Mangoes, papayas, pineapples, bananas, cashew nuts, Bixa Orellana, and many other fruits and vegetables are some of the proud produce of our farm. The income that these products generate gets reinvested back into our school feeding and sponsorship programs.

Do you want to see this place with your own eyes while supporting BFK’s work? You are welcome to pay us a visit through our Farm Tour. During this tour you will be brought to the farm, shown the great things we do here, eat an amazing lunch, enjoy the African countryside and you will be brought back to your hotel before the sun sets. 

Making an impact at every age with our range of programs

Our programs are designed to support young Kenyans from early childhood through to starting a career.